
WordPress for Non-Technical People

Let’s say your new WordPress site has been set up, and you know how to login. Something called the “Dashboard” is on the screen. _Now what?_

This is an introduction to a few of the basics to using WordPress.

h3. Write a New Post

_(This article is written for WordPress 2.5 and similar later versions.)_

!/images/108.png! The first thing you notice is a big orange bar that says *”Right Now,”* and has buttons for “Write a New Page” and *”Write a New Post”.*

That last one sounds good, so click it: *”Write a New Post”.*

!/images/109.png! Now there’s a “Title” box (that one seems self-explanatory), and a “Post” box (and some other stuff down below). Type a title in the obvious place, and then let’s consider this “Post” box, with its associated tool buttons.

First, to the right of the label “Post” are two tabs: “Visual” and “HTML”. Eventually, you’ll want to use the HTML setting, so your code is as good as your prose.

!/images/112.png! For now, confirm that “Visual” is selected, and start typing your post.

h3. Formatting Buttons

There are several presentational buttons, in a row along the top of the “Post” box. You can select some text, then click these to make it bold, italic, etc. (Again, this produces HTML code that is pretty messy, so you’ll want to leave this “Visual” setting behind someday.)

!/images/111.png! Three of these formatting buttons, I just don’t recommend for non-technical people: Insert Image, Insert More Tag, and Show/Hide Kitchen Sink. So if you want to insert an image, instead use the “Add Media” buttons just above the main formatting buttons:

h3. Add Media

!/images/110.png! With these buttons, you can add an image, video, audio, or other media.

*Add an Image:* To add an image into your post, place the cursor about where you want the image to be. Click “Add an Image” (not the button with the picture of a tree, rather the button next to “Add media”).

Remember, do _not_ use the “Insert/edit image” because it’s a bit more geeky, and assumes the image is already uploaded to the internet (rather than on your computer).

!/images/114.png! A pop-up thing will … pop up. (Technically, this is called a “modal window.” Now you can impress people at parties with your technical knowledge.)

To select an image on your computer, click “Browse…” and select it from the right folder (“My Pictures,” for example). After clicking Okay or Open, click “Upload.” Then, you may wish to edit the title, caption or description. And you may wish to delete the “Link URL.” Next, select an “Alignment” and “Size,” and click “Insert into Post.”

*Add Video* and *Add Audio* use similar methods.

*Add Media* is also similar, but can be used to upload a PDF document. If you do upload a PDF, make sure to keep the link address that is automatically generated, since that is the link to the PDF document.

h3. Categories

Depending on which Theme you select for your WordPress site, most of the options below the main post won’t be relevant yet.

!/images/113.png! The one that’s probably important is “Categories” (or perhaps “Tags”), because your designer may have used them to dictate on which Page this post should go. For example, a post with category “Blog” will go on your blog page, and a post with category “Articles” will go on your articles page, etc.

When you’re done with your post, click “Publish” and take a look at your site. If all looks well, hooray!

If not, just go to the “Manage” tab (and the “Posts” sub-tab), and click the post to edit it.

h3. Next Steps

Future articles may cover other aspects of maintaining your WordPress site. Till then, enjoy publishing your content.
