
A Re-Shuffle, and Re-Commitment

h3. Re-Shuffle:

Things are shaking up around here–this online journal[1] should look quite a bit different, and the re-shuffling will continue.

I’m currently starting with the Elegant Grunge theme, and we’ll see where it goes.

h3. Re-Commitment:

Project 52 was technically a failure, already. However, “he wins who gets up more times than he is knocked down.”


I love the concept of, and am excited to get back into the habit of writing a journal.

A first concern is privacy. All entries of all authors are stored (in plaintext) in a central database. I’d prefer they were stored locally, and any statistics stored in the database.

Second, in addition to Markdown, I wish it could use Textile: (current version) (original version)

h3. Big Freebie from Adobe:

fn1. I prefer not to use that “b” word. Dreadful. By the way, if “blog” is a contraction of “web log,” shouldn’t it have an initial apostrophe, as in ‘blog?


A First Resolution for 2010

h4. Clearing out some of the cobwebs around here, to say that I’m excited.

Excited about:

bq. What is Project52?

bq. Project52 is a personal challenge geared toward getting fresh content on your website. The goal is to write at least 1 new article per week for 1 year. Because we all know what it’s like to procrastinate on our content.

bq. All you need to do is just commit to the challenge and write the content. This site is just here to remind you of that commitment.

bq. How to Participate

* On Twitter, you can follow @p52info or use the hashtag #p52. We’ll track that as often as we can.

* Add your site to the form below. In time, we’ll gather the RSS feeds and begin sorting out who the slackers are.
* If you would like a banner to add to your site, feel free to download the logo. Be sure to link here and help spread the word. It’s time to get people writing again!
* You can also join the Google Group, if you’d like to share thoughts, ideas, and various bits of inspiration.

p. An awesome idea, whose time is overdue.


Barcamp Miami a Big Success

h3. I love “Barcamps”:

The energy, the people, it’s all good.

* Imagine a conference about the Web–what’s current, and what’s coming in the future.
* Imagine over “500 people”: attending a conference, which is completely organized and run by volunteers.
* On a gorgeous day in Coconut Grove.

That was “Barcamp Miami”: 2009.

Wonderful event, people, topics and conversations. Oh, and the locations (Anohka restaurant and the “Mayfair hotel”: could not be better, (although I think the restaurant was a little overwhelmed by lunch orders).

Overall, an excellent job by all the organizers and presenters.

See some “photos”: and “some”: “words”:

I’m excited about 2009, and hope to see some of the same people at “Refresh Miami”: meeting.


Today is September 11, 2008

May God bless America.


h4. Photos:

“*Hiro”:, “*Hiro”:, “*Hiro”:, “*Hiro”:, “TIO…”:,
“NASA”:, “Brendan Loy”:, “DoD”:

_All photos licensed under Creative Commons._
