
Bible Markup Pattern: A Proposal

_(Also published at_ “Godbit”:http://godbit.com/article/bible-markup-pattern.)

What is the _best_ way to mark up text from the Bible? I’ve been thinking about this question for more than a year, and in that time I have sought an answer, or at least a proposal.

If you’re impatient, here are the examples: “Exodus 20”:http://michaelmontgomery.net/bible/exodus-20, “Psalm 23”:http://michaelmontgomery.net/bible/psalm-23, “Matthew 5”:http://michaelmontgomery.net/bible/matthew-5, and “Matthew 6:5-15”:http://michaelmontgomery.net/bible/Lord%27s+Prayer.

h3. Caveats

Please remember this article presents only a proposal for consideration. I am no theologian; nor am I a renowned expert on front-end code. Nor does every page of every site I’ve ever built have “best” markup, however I do make every effort to do so.

However, it seems to me that–of all texts in the world–it should be important to make an effort toward best practices in marking up the Bible.

Of course, I welcome corrections and commentary, any thoughts or additions.

h3. Background

Some good work has been done on citation of online Bible quotes, including “BibleRef”:http://www.semanticbible.com/bibleref/bibleref-overview.html and “OpenBible.info”:http://www.openbible.info/blog/2007/05/bible-microformats/. There are even some “WordPress plugins”:http://www.semanticbible.com/bibleref/bibleref-faq.html#wordpress for BibleRef.

bq. Bibleref is a simple approach to automatically identifying Bible references [in] web pages.

I use and recommend BibleRef, which is a foundational proposal that focuses directly on the citation, for example: @2 Tim 3:16@. All of the present examples use the “BibleRef”:http://www.semanticbible.com/bibleref/bibleref-overview.html citation format.

But I wanted something more comprehensive, that would help with marking up entire biblical texts or even a whole Bible.

bq. Bibleref is part of a general movement toward markup that expresses more semantic, rather than presentational, element.

So, my question is broader than citation format: what elements should we use,
as best practice?

h3. What’s “Best”?

When considering what may be a “best” way to mark up the Bible, several requirements or principles come to mind.

First, it means using (X)HTML in a way that is valid, minimal, and semantic. In this case, the term *”valid”* means essentially “meeting the requirements set by the “W3C”:http://www.w3.org/ of the specification selected by the “Doctype”:http://www.w3.org/QA/Tips/Doctype of that document.”

*”Minimal”* refers to adding as few “elements and attributes”:http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/#general as reasonably possible to the text itself, while preserving its structure.

And for purposes of this article, *”semantic”* means a few things: using meaningful elements that match each portion of the text, and communicate its functional meaning. In other words, if some text is a primary heading, use an

(heading) element; if it’s a paragraph, use a

(paragraph) element; if a block quote, use a

element, etc.

The word “semantic” also mandates general web standards principles, including:

* no tables for layout,
* avoid inline styles,
* avoid frames,
* avoid numerous

and elements (especially those with class attributes that mimic other elements, like headings and paragraphs),
* don’t require JavaScript or Flash.

h4. CMS(Content Management Systems) – Friendly

Another principle for my project is to recognize the ubiquity of the “content management system”:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Content_management_system. Most current content on the web is no longer in static web pages; rather, it is stored in a database and presented dynamically when someone asks for it.

So, the four examples I’ve prepared are all marked up using the excellent “Textile”:http://textile.thresholdstate.com/ syntax, the “humane Web text generator”.

h3. Not a Microformat

I support and use “Microformats”:http://microformats.org/, but it should be noted that this Bible markup pattern is _not_ a Microformat, and for various reasons it probably never will be.

h3. Current Practice

I did some research on how some publishers and versions are presented on the web, basically by looking at as many of these four examples in the four versions that were available on these five sites: “Bible Gateway”:http://www.biblegateway.com/, “English Standard Version”:http://www.gnpcb.org/esv/, “eBible”:http://www.ebible.com/, “YouVersion”:http://youversion.com/, and “WEB Bible”:http://www.ebible.org/web/.

The markup was about what you might expect from large sites with big content management systems. With very few exceptions, the markup of the pages were all invalid, not minimal, and not semantic.

However, they all at least declared a Doctype, and compared to many enormous commercial sites, most of the markup was rather clean. In fact, almost all used heading elements well, and used some arrangement of mainly paragraph elements with some class attributes. Depending on the content management system, my impression is that much of this Bible text markup could be much improved without undue effort.

h3. Thing One, and Thing Two

Some informal study indicates there seem to be two basic semantic types or “genres” of biblical text.

The first type can be categorized as _prose_, and includes paragraphs, lists, and block quotes. The second type may be called _verse_, which includes poems, songs, and other lyrical matter.

I realize this may be gross over-simplification, but when constructing any taxonomy there is a tension in selecting the number of categories. In this case, I propose simply two categories, which adds semantic richness while being simple enough for this introductory article.

bq. The two main genres in the Bible are narrative and poetry.
— “Editors’ Preface”:http://www.esvliterarystudybible.org/preface to the “ESV”:http://www.gnpcb.org/esv/ Literary Study Bible

p. Even a simple two-category taxonomy can yield powerful results: pick up a Bible and compare Genesis to Psalms, which contain mostly _prose_ and _verse_ respectively. It’s obvious they are presented differently, and this basic presentational character can be preserved in the markup.

h3. Examples

As examples of this proposed Bible markup pattern, it seemed appropriate to use passages from both Old and New Testaments, including prose, block quotes, and verse.

I selected four texts as examples, which are posted on my blog: “Exodus 20”:http://michaelmontgomery.net/bible/exodus-20, “Psalm 23”:http://michaelmontgomery.net/bible/psalm-23, “Matthew 5”:http://michaelmontgomery.net/bible/matthew-5, and “Matthew 6:5-15”:http://michaelmontgomery.net/bible/Lord%27s+Prayer. These passages are also known as the Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes, the Lord’s Prayer, and … the Twenty-Third Psalm.

Each example is presented in a different version: Exodus 20 in the NIV(New International Version), Psalm 23 in the ESV(English Standard Version), Matthew 5 in the WEB(Web English Bible), and Matthew 6:5-15 in the KJV(King James Version).

h3. Overview: The Method

# *Bible:* The first step is simple: a container element, such as a

, gets a class attribute of “bible”.
# *Headings:* The second step is also easy: Headings use heading elements, such as


, etc.
# *Paragraphs:* Put almost everything else in a paragraph.
# *Block quotes:* surround one or more paragraphs of a block quote in a

# *Verse numbers and Footnotes:* At first, I thought it would be clever to use ordered lists for the verse numbers, but that only works if everyone begins all their Bible quotations from the beginning of a chapter. So, verse numbers are elements. Similarly, footnote reference numbers are elements with a class attribute of “footnote”.
# *Verse, Poetry, etc.:* As between “prose” and “verse,” I chose to make “prose” the default. If some or all of a passage is verse, then enclose that text with an element (such as a ) with a class attribute of “verse”.
# *Additional:* There are a few additional aspects, including div elements to enclose multi-paragraph “stanzas” of verse (see “Psalm 23”:http://michaelmontgomery.net/bible/psalm-23), and the markup of the footnotes.

h3. The Styles

For ease of reference, the Bible style information is embedded in the head of the examples, so you can simply view the page source.

In actual use, they should be included in a separate CSS(Cascading Style Sheet) file with the other styles for that page. A sample CSS file of the Bible styles is available for “download”:http://godbit.com/file_download/48/Bible.css.

h3. The Future

Some thoughts for the future:

* How to markup _Selah_ or a closing _Amen_? Perhaps class="affirmation"?
* Initial caps for the chapter number, superseding the verse number of the first verse of that chapter?
* Perhaps a print stylesheet, for selecting a slightly different font stack, or sizing the printed text in points.
* And the one I’m almost afraid to ask, what about class="wordsofchrist"?

Let the discussion begin….

_This article is (c) Montgomery 2008. Some rights released with a_ Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.


A Reading List for Web Designers

*Update:* Thanks to “Mithrill”:http://godbit.com/forum/profile.php?id=119, you can now download this entire list, in OPML format. Many feed readers will then allow you to import the whole list in one step. *Download:* “Godbit reading list”:http://godbit.com/files/Godbit_reading_list.xml (OPML(Outline Processor Markup Language), 28kb)

bq.. “Have some RSS; it’s good for you.”

“What’s RSS?”

p. These are times that demand we learn and grow, just to keep up. So many exciting things are happening in the web design community, that it’s hard to know where to start.

As the amount of interesting content on the web increases, a bunch of people ask the same question:

bq.. *Question:* “How can I access, read and manage all the content I want, from all these websites, in one organized place?”

*Answer:* All that content pumping out of each site can be packaged in a “feed.” The feeds from all the sites you’re interested in can be managed, organized and read with a “feed reader.”

p. In other words, using a feed reader is like having your own customized, automatically generated news channel.

h3. RSS Readers

There are _lots_ of different feed readers. Some feed readers may be integrated in desktop software, such as your browser or your office productivity suite. Other feed readers are freely available online:

* “Bloglines”:http://bloglines.com/
* “News Gator”:http://newsgator.com/
* “Google Reader”:http://google.com/reader/

In any event, the one I use and recommend is Newshutch:

* “Newshutch”:http://newshutch.com/

h4. What to read?

This is a list of RSS feeds, which is based on the feeds that I read, on topics including the church online, photoshop, web design, etc.

By the way, understand that the term “RSS” in itself is a little ambiguous, since a feed can conform to any one of several different standards, some of which have different names. For simplicity, the term “RSS” in this article will refer to all types of feeds generally.

h4. Add to the list

This article is an experiment here at Godbit, in that articles are usually written once, with a limited time period for comments.

Instead, during the commenting period, I will update this list based on your input, so that the RSS Reading List can be a resource for all.

So, if you have an RSS feed of your own, or one that you read and recommend, let us know in the comments.

h3. Resource: RSS Reading List

h4. Church

* Site: “BetaChurch.Org”:http://www.betachurch.org/ — “RSS Feed”:http://www.betachurch.org/news.xml
* Site: “Church Marketing Sucks”:http://www.churchmarketingsucks.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://www.churchmarketingsucks.com/atom.xml
* Site: “effective web ministry notes”:http://www.eministrynotes.com — “RSS Feed”:http://feeds.feedburner.com/eministrynotes
* Site: “Heal Your Church Web Site”:http://www.healyourchurchwebsite.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://www.healyourchurchwebsite.com/index.rdf
* Site: “Kem Meyer on Less Clutter & Noise”:http://kemmeyer.typepad.com/less_clutter_noise/ — “RSS Feed”:http://kemmeyer.typepad.com/less_clutter_noise/index.rdf
* Site: “ServantBlog”:http://servantblog.com — “RSS Feed”:http://servantblog.com/feed/

h4. Comics

* Site: “Dilbert”:http://www.dilbert.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://www.tapestrycomics.com/dilbert.xml
* Site: “Reverend Fun”:http://www.reverendfun.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://www.reverendfun.com/features/rss/?language=en

h4. CSS Showcase

* Site: “ChurchBeauty”:http://www.churchbeauty.com — “RSS Feed”:http://www.churchbeauty.com/?feed=rss2
* Site: “CSS Beauty”:http://www.cssbeauty.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://www.cssbeauty.com/index.xml
* Site: “CSS Mania”:http://cssmania.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://feeds.feedburner.com/cssmania
* Site: “CSS Remix”:http://www.cssremix.com — “RSS Feed”:http://feeds.feedburner.com/cssremix
* Site: “CSS Vault Gallery”:http://cssvault.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://cssvault.com/gallery.xml
* Site: “Design Melt Down”:http://www.designmeltdown.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://feeds.feedburner.com/designmeltdown/uecD
* Site: “Design Shack”:http://www.designshack.co.uk — “RSS Feed”:http://feeds.feedburner.com/designshack
* Site: “Liquid Designs”:http://www.cssliquid.com — “RSS Feed”:http://www.cssliquid.com/feed/
* Site: “Stylegala | gallery”:http://www.stylegala.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://www.stylegala.com/feeds/gallery.xml
* Site: “Unmatched Style | Gallery”:http://www.unmatchedstyle.com — “RSS Feed”:http://www.unmatchedstyle.com/index.xml
* Site: “Web Creme”:http://www.webcreme.com — “RSS Feed”:http://www.webcreme.com/feed

h4. Getting Things Done

* Site: “David Seah”:http://davidseah.com — “RSS Feed”:http://davidseah.com/syndicated
* Site: “Gary Slinger”:http://garyslinger.com/blog — “RSS Feed”:http://garyslinger.com/blog/feed/
* Site: “Marc's Outlook on Productivity”:http://blogs.officezealot.com/marc/default.aspx — “RSS Feed”:http://blogs.officezealot.com/marc/Rss.aspx
* Site: “Meryl.net”:http://meryl.net — “RSS Feed”:http://feeds.feedburner.com/Meryl
* Site: “OpenOffice.org Training, Tips, and Ideas”:http://openoffice.blogs.com/openoffice/ — “RSS Feed”:http://openoffice.blogs.com/openoffice/index.rdf
* Site: “Slacker Manager”:http://slackermanager.com — “RSS Feed”:http://feeds.feedburner.com/SlackerManager

h4. Godbit

* Site: “Andy Knight”:http://www.andyknight.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://feeds.feedburner.com/andyknight/
* Site: “Art of Mission – Blog”:http://www.artofmission.com/articles — “RSS Feed”:http://feeds.feedburner.com/artofmission
* Site: “Tim Bednar “:http://www.turtleinteractive.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://feeds.feedburner.com/TurtleInteractive
* Site: “Christian Montoya”:http://www.christianmontoya.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://feeds.feedburner.com/christianmontoya
* Site: “CD Harrison”:http://cdharrison.com/index.php/feed/ — “RSS Feed”:http://cdharrison.com/index.php/feed/
* Site: “Cody Lindley”:http://codylindley.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://codylindley.com/?rss=1
* Site: “Godbit Project”:http://godbit.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://godbit.com/rss/
* Site: “i am a camera”:http://iamacamera.org/ — “RSS Feed”:http://iamacamera.org/default.aspx?feed=rss20
* Site: “Jeremy Flint”:http://www.jeremyflint.com/ — “RSS Feed”:feed://http//www.jeremyflint.com/feed/
* Site: “Justin Thorp”:http://www.mycapitalweb.com/justin/ — “RSS Feed”:http://www.mycapitalweb.com/justin/?feed=rss2
* Site: “Larry Tomlinson”:http://anoteaboutmyself.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://anoteaboutmyself.com/rss/
* Site: “Matt Heerema”:http://mattheerema.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://feeds.feedburner.com/mattheerema-full
* Site: “Nathan Logan”:http://nathanlogan.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://nathanlogan.com/?rss=1
* Site: “Rob Soulé”:http://www.couchfort.net/ — “RSS Feed”:http://couchfort.net/rss/?category=blogs&section=article
* Site: “Robert R Evans”:http://www.robertrevans.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://robertrevans.com/feed/atom.xml
* Site: “SonSpring”:http://sonspring.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://sonspring.com/rss/
* Site: “Standards for Life”:http://www.standardsforlife.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://feeds.feedburner.com/standardsforlife
* Site: “Yannick Lyn Fatt”:http://www.godsporch.net/ — “RSS Feed”:http://www.godsporch.net/rss/

h4. Magazines

* Site: “A List Apart”:http://www.alistapart.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://www.alistapart.com/rss.xml
* Site: “Bite Size Standards – bites”:http://bitesizestandards.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://feeds.feedburner.com/bitesizestandards
* Site: “design fckr”:http://dfckr.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://feeds.feedburner.com/DesignFckr
* Site: “design in-flight”:http://www.designinflight.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://www.designinflight.com/index.xml (Sadly, seems to be in stasis.)
* Site: “Devlounge”:http://www.devlounge.net — “RSS Feed”:http://www.devlounge.net/feed/
* Site: “Digital Web: Latest Articles”:http://digital-web.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://www.digital-web.com/dates/rss/
* Site: “Digital Web: What’s New”:http://digital-web.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://digital-web.com/news/rss/
* Site: “evolt.org – Workers of the Web, Evolt!”:http://evolt.org — “RSS Feed”:http://evolt.org/rss/articles.rss
* Site: “Godly Creative People”:http://godlycreatives.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://feeds.feedburner.com/gcp
* Site: “Investing Talents”:http://investingtalents.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://feeds.feedburner.com/itmag
* Site: “Smashing Magazine”:http://www.smashingmagazine.com — “RSS Feed”:http://www.smashingmagazine.com/feed/
* Site: “Stylegala | news”:http://www.stylegala.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://www.stylegala.com/feeds/news.xml
* Site: “Stylegala | public news”:http://www.stylegala.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://www.stylegala.com/feeds/public-news.xml
* Site: “UX Magazine”:http://www.uxmag.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://feeds.feedburner.com/UXM
* Site: “UX Matters”:http://www.uxmatters.com — “RSS Feed”:http://www.uxmatters.com/index.xml

h4. My (Clients’) Sites

* *Note:* Subscribe to all of your (clients’) sites!

h4. My Host

* Site: “DreamHost Status”:http://www.dreamhoststatus.com — “RSS Feed”:http://status.dreamhost.com/feed/

h4. Photoshop

* Site: “Adobe Labs”:http://weblogs.macromedia.com/labs/ — “RSS Feed”:http://weblogs.macromedia.com/labs/index.xml
* Site: “Photoshop Lab”:http://www.photoshoplab.com — “RSS Feed”:http://feeds.feedburner.com/PhotoshopLab/all
* Site: “Photoshop TV”:http://www.photoshoptv.com — “RSS Feed”:http://feeds.feedburner.com/photoshoptv

h4. Popular Blogs

* Site: “43 Folders”:http://www.43folders.com — “RSS Feed”:http://feeds.feedburner.com/43Folders
* Site: “Berkun blog”:http://www.scottberkun.com/blog — “RSS Feed”:http://www.scottberkun.com/blog/wp-rss2.php
* Site: “Digital Photography Review (dpreview.com)”:http://www.dpreview.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://www.dpreview.com/news/dpr.rdf
* Site: “Seth’s Blog”:http://sethgodin.typepad.com/seths_blog/ — “RSS Feed”:http://sethgodin.typepad.com/seths_blog/atom.xml
* Site: “TechCrunch”:http://www.techcrunch.com — “RSS Feed”:http://feeds.feedburner.com/Techcrunch

h4. Web Design

* Site: “./with Imagination”:http://www.dustindiaz.com — “RSS Feed”:http://www.dustindiaz.com/feed/
* Site: “9rules Network Official Blog”:http://9rules.com/blog — “RSS Feed”:http://9rules.com/blog/feed/
* Site: “Addison Hall—Eclectic Yet Related”:http://addisonhall.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://www.addisonhall.com/?rss=1
* Site: “And all that Malarkey”:http://www.stuffandnonsense.co.uk/ — “RSS Feed”:http://www.stuffandnonsense.co.uk/index.rdf
* Site: “Andy Budd::Blogography”:http://www.andybudd.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://www.andybudd.com/index.rdf
* Site: “Andy Budd::Links”:http://www.andybudd.com/links/ — “RSS Feed”:http://www.andybudd.com//links/index.rdf
* Site: “Andy Rutledge : Design View”:http://andyrutledge.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://andyrutledge.com/feeds/arfeed.xml
* Site: “Anton Peck”:http://antonpeck.com/journal/ — “RSS Feed”:http://feeds.feedburner.com/Anton
* Site: “Authentic Boredom”:http://cameronmoll.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://www.cameronmoll.com/atom.xml
* Site: “Avalonstar”:http://avalonstar.com — “RSS Feed”:http://avalonstar.com/wp-rss2.php
* Site: “Bartelme Design | Journal”:http://www.bartelme.at/journal/ — “RSS Feed”:http://www.bartelme.at/rss.php
* Site: “Boyink Interactive, LLC”:http://www.boyink.com — “RSS Feed”:http://www.boyink.com/index.xml
* Site: “BrianBreslin.com”:http://brianbreslin.com — “RSS Feed”:http://brianbreslin.com/?feed=rss2
* Site: “ChunkySoup.net”:http://chunkysoup.net/ — “RSS Feed”:http://chunkysoup.net/atom/
* Site: “CollyLogic”:http://www.colly.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://www.colly.com/index.php?/weblog/rss_2.0/
* Site: “D. Keith Robinson”:http://www.dkeithrobinson.com/index.php/site/index/ — “RSS Feed”:http://feeds.feedburner.com/DKeithRobinson
* Site: “Dan Rubin's SuperfluousBanter”:http://superfluousbanter.org — “RSS Feed”:http://feeds.feedburner.com/superfluousbanter
* Site: “Dave Shea's mezzoblue”:http://mezzoblue.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://www.mezzoblue.com/rss/index.xml
* Site: “Design 2.0”:http://design2-0.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://feeds.feedburner.com/Design2-0
* Site: “Design by Fire”:http://www.designbyfire.com — “RSS Feed”:http://www.designbyfire.com/?feed=rss2
* Site: “Fiftyfoureleven.com – Resources and Links”:http://www.fiftyfoureleven.com/resources/rss — “RSS Feed”:http://www.fiftyfoureleven.com/resources/rss
* Site: “Fiftyfoureleven.com – Weblog”:http://www.fiftyfoureleven.com/weblog/rss — “RSS Feed”:http://www.fiftyfoureleven.com/weblog/rss
* Site: “hicksdesign – journal”:http://www.hicksdesign.co.uk/ — “RSS Feed”:http://feeds.feedburner.com/hicksdesign
* Site: “IEBlog”:http://blogs.msdn.com/ie/default.aspx — “RSS Feed”:http://blogs.msdn.com/ie/atom.xml
* Site: “Jaredigital”:http://www.jaredigital.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://www.jaredigital.com/atom/
* Site: “Jason Santa Maria | Articles”:http://www.jasonsantamaria.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://jasonsantamaria.com/index.rdf
* Site: “JeffCroft.com Journal”:http://jeffcroft.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://www2.jeffcroft.com/feeds/blog/
* Site: “Jeffrey Veen”:http://www.veen.com/jeff/ — “RSS Feed”:http://veen.com/jeff/rss.xml
* Site: “Jeffrey Zeldman Presents The Daily Report”:http://www.zeldman.com — “RSS Feed”:http://www.zeldman.com/feed/zeldman.xml
* Site: “Josh Dura”:http://www.joshdura.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://joshdura.com/?rss=1
* Site: “kartooner.com”:http://www.kartooner.com — “RSS Feed”:http://www.kartooner.com/feed/rss/
* Site: “KathyMarks.com”:http://www.kathymarks.com — “RSS Feed”:http://www.kathymarks.com/index.xml
* Site: “Lisa McMillan dot com”:http://www.lisamcmillan.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://feeds.feedburner.com/lisamcmillan/ikDT
* Site: “maratz.com”:http://www.maratz.com/blog — “RSS Feed”:http://www.maratz.com/rss/
* Site: “markboulton.co.uk | Journal”:http://www.markboulton.co.uk/journal/ — “RSS Feed”:http://www.markboulton.co.uk/journal/rss_2.0/
* Site: “MBoffin.com – Recent Posts”:http://mboffin.com — “RSS Feed”:http://mboffin.com/rss/all
* Site: “microformatique – a blog about microformats”:http://microformatique.com — “RSS Feed”:http://microformatique.com/?feed=rss2
* Site: “Modern Life Is Rubbish”:http://www.modernlifeisrubbish.co.uk — “RSS Feed”:http://feeds.feedburner.com/ModernLifeIsRubbish
* Site: “molly.com”:http://www.molly.com — “RSS Feed”:http://www.molly.com/feed/rss2/
* Site: “News from Adaptive Path”:http://www.adaptivepath.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://adaptivepath.com/index.xml
* Site: “Ordered List by Steve Smith – Home”:http://orderedlist.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://orderedlist.com/feed/
* Site: “Robert's talk”:http://www.robertnyman.com — “RSS Feed”:http://www.robertnyman.com/feed/atom/
* Site: “ryan werth design : blog”:http://ryanwerth.com/blog/ — “RSS Feed”:http://www.ryanwerth.com/blog/rss/
* Site: “Shaun Inman”:http://www.shauninman.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://www.shauninman.com/feed/made-fresh
* Site: “Sillyness Spelled Wrong Intentionally”:http://www.chrisjdavis.org — “RSS Feed”:http://www.chrisjdavis.org/feed/
* Site: “Simon Willison's Weblog Entries”:http://simonwillison.net/ — “RSS Feed”:http://simon.incutio.com/syndicate/rss1.0
* Site: “SimpleBits”:http://www.simplebits.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://www.simplebits.com/xml/rss.xml
* Site: “Small Transport”:http://www.smalltransport.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://www.smalltransport.com/articlerss/
* Site: “Smiley Cat: Christian Watson's Web Design Blog”:http://www.smileycat.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://feeds.feedburner.com/smileycat
* Site: “solarDreamStudios”:http://solardreamstudios.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://solardreamstudios.com/rss/
* Site: “Stopdesign”:http://www.stopdesign.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://stopdesign.com/index.xml
* Site: “Subtraction”:http://www.subtraction.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://www.subtraction.com/atom.xml
* Site: “Tantek.com/”:http://tantek.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://tantek.com/log/posts.atom
* Site: “The Man in Blue”:http://www.themaninblue.com/writing/ — “RSS Feed”:http://www.themaninblue.com/perspective.xml
* Site: “The Watchmaker Project – journal”:http://www.thewatchmakerproject.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://feeds.feedburner.com/thewatchmakerproject-journal
* Site: “The Web Standards Project”:http://www.webstandards.org — “RSS Feed”:http://www.webstandards.org/feed/
* Site: “Veerle's blog: Approved”:http://veerle.duoh.com/index.php/blog/approved/ — “RSS Feed”:http://feeds.feedburner.com/veerlesblog/approved
* Site: “Veerle's blog: Art”:http://veerle.duoh.com/index.php/art/ — “RSS Feed”:http://feeds.feedburner.com/artelsewhere
* Site: “Veerle's blog: full articles”:http://veerle.duoh.com/index.php/blog/index/ — “RSS Feed”:http://feeds.feedburner.com/veerlesblog
* Site: “Veerle's blog: Veerle's art”:http://veerle.duoh.com/index.php/artveerle/ — “RSS Feed”:http://feeds.feedburner.com/VeerlesArt
* Site: “Warpspire”:http://warpspire.com — “RSS Feed”:http://warpspire.com/feed
* Site: “Web Design from Scratch”:http://www.webdesignfromscratch.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://www.webdesignfromscratch.com/rss.xml
* Site: “Web-Graphics”:http://web-graphics.com — “RSS Feed”:http://web-graphics.com/index.xml
* Site: “WebDeveloper.com”:http://www.webdeveloper.com — “RSS Feed”:http://www.webdeveloper.com/webdeveloper.rdf
* Site: “What Do I Know”:http://whatdoiknow.org/ — “RSS Feed”:http://whatdoiknow.org/index.xml

h4. Web Design: Accessibility

* Site: “456 Berea Street”:http://www.456bereastreet.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://www.456bereastreet.com/feed.xml
* Site: “Accessify”:http://accessify.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://accessify.com/rss/accessify_rss.xml
* Site: “Accessites”:http://accessites.org/ — “RSS Feed”:http://accessites.org/site/feed/
* Site: “Juicy Studio”:http://juicystudio.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://juicystudio.com/syndicate/juicyatom.xml

h4. Web Design: CSS

* Site: “Thoughts From Eric”:http://meyerweb.com — “RSS Feed”:http://meyerweb.com/eric/thoughts/rss2/full

h4. Web Design: DOM Scripting

* Site: “Adactio”:http://adactio.com/journal/ — “RSS Feed”:http://adactio.com/journal/rss
* Site: “Snook.ca”:http://snook.ca/jonathan/ — “RSS Feed”:http://www.snook.ca/jonathan/index.rdf
* Site: “Wait till I come!”:http://www.wait-till-i.com — “RSS Feed”:http://www.wait-till-i.com/wp-rss2.php

h4. Web Design: Events

* Site: “An Event Apart News”:http://www.aneventapart.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://aneventapart.com/index.xml
* Site: “Carson Systems News”:http://www.carsonsystems.com/blog — “RSS Feed”:http://feeds.feedburner.com/carsonsystems

h4. Web Design: Information Architecture

* Site: “Boxes and Arrows”:http://www.boxesandarrows.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://www.boxesandarrows.com/story/rss.xml
* Site: “Garrett Dimon”:http://www.garrettdimon.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://www.garrettdimon.com/subscribe/index.xml

h4. Web Design: Jobs

* Site: “AuthenticJobs.com Job Listings”:http://www.authenticjobs.com — “RSS Feed”:http://www.authenticjobs.com/rss/offsite.xml
* Site: “MinistryCamp Job Board”:http://jobs.ministrycamp.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://feeds.feedburner.com/MinistryCamp-AllRecentJobs

h4. Web Design: Podcasts

* Site: “Boagworld”:http://www.boagworld.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://feeds.feedburner.com/Boagworldcom-ForThoseManagingWebsites
* Site: “.Net Magazine”:http://www.netmag.co.uk/zine/podcast — “RSS Feed”:http://feeds.feedburner.com/pwd

h4. Web Design: Textpattern

* Site: “Textpattern”:http://textpattern.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://textpattern.com/?rss=1&section=weblog
* Site: “threshold state”:http://thresholdstate.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://thresholdstate.com/?rss=1
* Site: “Wilshire One”:http://www.wilshireone.com/ — “RSS Feed”:http://www.wilshireone.com/feeds/rss/articles/

h4. Web Apps

* Site: “Particletree”:http://particletree.com — “RSS Feed”:http://particletree.com/rss/
* Site: “Signal vs. Noise”:http://www.37signals.com/svn/posts — “RSS Feed”:http://www.37signals.com/svn/index_full.rdf

_This article is © Montgomery 2007. Some rights released with a_ Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.

_Also published at_ “Godbit”:http://godbit.com/article/reading-list.


I Know; I Know

…it doesn’t validate. It doesn’t even come close. Ugh.

Please consider: that I am focusing on building other people’s sites, including PhotosByKat and Ellen Carroll Designs. They aren’t finished, but at least they validate. And the markup can be called semantic. If you’re generous.

If that doesn’t mollify the shrill, critical voice inside your head, be assured that I’m conducting a Web Standards Reboot. Which simply conjures up a specific deadline of November 1 for a new design that complies with Web Standards. Arbitrary accountability — gotta love it.

Otherwise, just be content with admiring that fetching new badge down there on the right.


Web Standards Weight Loss

The more I learn about *web standards,* the more I conclude that an indicator of _real_ skill is how *few* IDs and classes you need in your markup.

If you can style the whole page, while adding only a few divs (header, footer, nav, content-main and maybe content-sub), _now_ you’ve learned something.

For example, I took a look at a “friend’s”:http://sonspring.com/ portfolio site recently: “Life Light”:http://www.lifelightinc.com/.

My first thought was “Okay, it’s a decent looking site.”

My next thought was “He did all that with such minimal markup? Whoa.”
